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Erica Sidoli

Passionate about ceramics. Based in Lyon, France


In search for the secrets behind the simple and yet breathtaking beauty of nature, my jewels represent a stylized interpretation of what is before my eyes.

In different seasons, in good and bad weather, during a warm and lazy promenade in the countryside or during a swim in the cold and awakening ocean, all our senses are involved in  an often unconscious appreciation of what is given to us. 

In ceramic I have found a means to convey my deep passion for nature, its shapes and its colours, through  a material originating directly from the earth itself. 

I owe a lot to Turin (Italy) and my fantastic colleagues of Pottery Lab who initiated me to this extraordinary journey. Still so much to discover and yet I had to leave for new horizons. Life brought me to Lyon and this is where I am now, trying to put together bits of different places, feelings and experiences into my work. I hope you will enjoy it.


Ceramics & Jewels


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